Data notes GRACE GWS data was a straight copy of the production TIFF and TFW files without any name changes or alterations. Data range is 1/4/2000 – 3/28/2023 (present) produced weekly. USDM data is produced in ERDAS IMG format and was converted to TIFF format using arcpy from ArcMap Desktop 10.8.1 and the following command: arcpy.RasterToOtherFormat_conversion("Input image list", "Output directory”, “TIFF"). The data naming was not altered at all. Data range is 1/4/2000 – 3/28/2023 (present) produced weekly. VegDRI data was copied to the local area and renamed. The original nomenclature was a bit confusing so I altered it to match all of our other dated datasets Data range is week 17 of 2009 to week 14 of 2023 (present). There is missing data in 2022. Weeks 32-34 were not produced due to satellite issues, and these have yet to be repopulated by EROS. QuickDRI data was copied to the local area and renamed. The original files had multiple nomenclatures quickdri_YYYY_1_tif.tif and These were all changed to QuickDRI_YYYY_WW.tif Data range is week 3 of 2000 to week 14 of 2023 (present). There is missing data in 2022. Weeks 32-34 were not produced due to satellite issues, and these have yet to be repopulated by EROS. The pre 2017 data was retrieved from data produced by Tsegaye Tadesse and doesn’t contain some of the mask but rather no data for those areas I believe. Tsegaye may be able to give you more information on the differences between the data.